Category: Assignment 4

  • Assignment 4 Visual Blog Post

    Discover Your Ride: Explore 3 Types of Bikes that’ll Match Your Lifestyle Today! What Unites Hybrids, Fitness Bikes, and Mountain Bikes? Nothing. Nothing. Every type of bike has its own special qualities associated with it. That’s why we made this easy to understand guide to help you pick the right bike for your needs! 01…

  • Assignment 4 Question 3

    Based on class learnings on the importance and the relevance of visuals in web content there is plenty of opportunity for St Clair Collage to improve their website to domestic students. Since we know the audience, we need to understand what is important to this audience in order to develop the goals for the content,…

  • Assignment 4 Questian 2 A&B

    Before I can answer this question fully, I need to discuss the preliminary information of this post. The purpose of this post is to inform and educate the web user on the 3 different types of bikes. The goal is to draw them to my business website where they can buy the bike that fits…

  • Assignment 4 Question 1

    There are dozens of reasons why visuals are important to web content. Below is a list of what I believe based on class learnings, to be the most important factors in why to use visual to develop web content. Since all web users are humans, by nature they process information visually. Think of opening your…