Category: Assignment 2
2.)As per the headline in Question #2, was the headline representative of the article? Please explain your reasoning in detail. (4 Marks)
The headline is very reprehensive of the content within the article. Additionally, the subhead does a excellent of eluding to the depth of the article. The subhead poses a question that makes the reader think, “What climber is the best?” Untimely, the content is presented, and as the reader, you are encouraged to see all…
1.) Find one (1) headline that you came across recently and thought it was great. Explain why it resonated with you. Please ensure that you base your answers on topics discussed in class. (6 Marks)
Link Headline Screenshot Meet the 15 best climbers in the world right now This Headline resonated with me because, as a rock climber, I am deeply interested in the subculture of rock climbing. My experience as a rock climber has shaped my interests and what appeals to me, so when I noticed the Headline:…