Assignment 4 Questian 2 A&B

  1. This is a multi-part question. Please create a visual post for your blog on a topic specific to your business and answer the questions below. What is important to your business and visitors? The image must be the focal point of the post telling the story or conveying a point. You may include multiple images. The goal is to visually convey a message with minimal text. Ensure that you include a link to the blog post in your answer (4 Marks)
    1. Why did you choose the specific image(s)? (3 Marks)

Before I can answer this question fully, I need to discuss the preliminary information of this post. The purpose of this post is to inform and educate the web user on the 3 different types of bikes. The goal is to draw them to my business website where they can buy the bike that fits their needs. The audience I designed this post for are the beginner bikers who are in the interest stage of my business but don’t have a bike or the right bike yet. The goal is to inform the reader through story telling about the different bikes and push the reader down the sales funnel and into the decision state of the consumer cycle. This post is to educate the reader and refer them back to my website so that they can decide on the bike that fits their needs based off of the visual content. 

             I divided the visual content into 4 categories. Introducing the topic with images was first. The headline referred to the types of bikes the reader might be exposed to. The images underneath spoke specifically to the exact type of bikes and cultural association with each bike that the reader can expect to explore. This is important because in essence, the images hook the reader in the 13 milliseconds it will take for them to process weather they want to engage or not. If they were interested and clicked on the post, the images catch their eye, and they will be interested in exploring each type of bike to gain information for their decision. The visuals leverage emotions like drama, action, and adventure which is exactly what my target audience prefers. 

The second category within my post is the Hybrid bikes. The first visual that takes up the entire screen on the blog features a dynamic and vibrant visual of a Hybrid bike parked on a sidewalk with water in the background. Since the goal of the content was to educate through story, I chose visuals that highlight the specific features of the bike. This bike is a crisp, beautiful green/brown bike, which perfectly represents the entire category of Hybrid bikes, that being that they are a crisp, clean design. Following this, I wanted to communicate the characteristics that this bike is perfect for pavement and light dirt trails. This bike is one of the most versatile. So I chose to use the compare images feature on WordPress and incorporate visuals that reflect the nature and the specific terrain that this bike can be used in. So I chose a man biking through a city, which speaks to the preference for paved paths this bike has, and then the second image which was of a dirt path where 2 people are enjoying their time biking. This evokes emotion and resonance because most people understand the feeling of sharing a moment of joy with another person, and so with this bike, I wanted to communicate that this bike is for independence and also community. The second set of visuals communicating the proper posture or form associated with riding for Hybrid bikes. I chose a graphic to clearly demonstrate through visuals what the form is, and then reaffirmed the image by a real-life visual of a biker with proper form. The last set of visuals I wanted to communicate about the bike was what makes this bike different from the rest. The brakes and gears were visuals that were what I chose, and the visual clearly identifies what differentiates this bike from others. Since my audience are beginners with a basic understanding of bikes, these visuals communicate the specific components on the bike that would be identifiable.

The third category was the Fitness bikes. This type of bike has many purposes: triathlons, workouts, or commuting through a city. This is what I was aiming to communicate through the visuals. The first image is of a cyclist training in summer on their bike. The brownish background is contrasted by the visually appealing look of the man in vibrant clothing pedaling forward. This image communicates that this is hard, enduring work but is a labor of love. This is what represents the road/fitness bike subculture. Next is the type of terrain for this bike. The compare image featured was used, and the first image represents a road biker riding on a freshly paved road. The next is another type of road biker who is commuting to work and is headed off-road, and onto an unpaved path. The message with these images was to communicate that the road bikes are mainly for pavement but can be taken off onto trails. These visuals are important because it also represents the range that the rider can have with said bikes. I wanted to inform the reader that just because these bikes tend to be for more serious bikers, they still can be enjoyed in the company of others as a shared experience. Next is the proper posture for the bike which utilizes a graphic and then a real-life image of a person using correct form. This helps explain but also places the visual in the reader’s memory for future reference. The last part is the most identifiable features of the Fitness bikes. That is the 12-speed gear range visual which clearly explains and communicates what that is. The Thin tires visual, and the curved handlebars.

The last category of the visual story was the mountain bikes. As the name evokes adventure, so does the opening header image which features a dynamic visual of a red mountain bike on the edge of a hill. The image captivates the reader in the adventure that is this type of biking. I wanted to communicate the depth of the terrain abilities for the bike, and so I chose 2 images that reflect this. The first is a mountain biker, carving on a trail, and the second is another mountain biker riding a bumpy trail. Both reflect the nature and the riding experience that the reader would have if they bought a mountain bike. Next is the form they should have on the bike, which again has a graphic visual and then paired with a real-life practical example. This is to explain thoroughly and to make the visual be stored in the reader’s brain so that either they can identify a mountain biker or know how to ride it themselves. Lastly, explaining the most important elements of the mountain bike, which are the big tires, and the Gearbox structure that the bikes have. The entire goal for this post was to explain and show what each bike is, where that bike can be used, how to ride that bike, and how to identify the features on said bike.

  • Explain in detail why the image(s) was beneficial for the post. (3 Marks)

The images I chose directly benefit the post due to the level of effective message communication. As explored in the first part of this assignment, images were important because they enhance the user experience, aid in recall, and communicate clear messages. The post introduction has 3 images that directly benefit the post because if the person scanned through the copy and only saw the 3 images, then they would have a clear understanding of the type of content that might be seen and explored within the blog post. The images also benefit the post because they appeal to the interests and desires of the reader. The reader chose to click on the post because they have an interest in bicycles and want to know more. So the images appeal to the desires of the reader, which benefits the post as it will be the hook to interest the reader in continuing to read the rest of my content. As mentioned previously, the audience is already familiar with bikes; they have a current awareness, but what the visuals in my post were aiming to do was inform the audience into the decision stage of their buying process. So each of the 3 categories of bikes leveraged imagery that would explain, encourage, and inspire the reader to pick a bicycle that best fits them. 

The goal for the hybrid bikes was to communicate that they are made for pavement/dirt trails, offer a comfortable upright ride, and feature a wide gear range with a unique braking system. Based on my knowledge and the images I chose to reflect these elements, I believe that the images directly benefited the post, specifically in communicating the main message for this section to the audience. The visuals on the trails demonstrated where the bike can be used, and also positively influenced the feelings and emotions the reader will have about the product, since this is their first exposure to this specific category of bikes.

The images used for the fitness bike category also benefited the post. Instead of just communicating that fitness bikes, or road bikes, tend to be for hardcore cyclists, the imagery accentuated this. Everyone knows what triathlon athletes look like, and since this bike matches those ideals, it’s easy to identify in the visuals. This is still a benefit because for those interested in this specific segment of bikes, the visuals will speak to those interests. Additionally, the visuals were pleasing to look at and positively explained the culture of fitness bikes. Lastly, the visuals positively benefited the post because they engaged the reader to identify what elements of the bike are most identifiable when it comes to this type of bike. This information, despite sounding trivial, is actually quite important because people who subscribe to Bicycle culture tend to care more about the small details and quality of things more than the average. So the visuals I provided in this category speak to this and maintain a thought-provoking story. 

The last benefit is in the Mountain bike category. These images were dynamic and action-packed, which speaks to the nature of this type of bike. In essence, the visuals communicated the story and aesthetic surrounding mountain bikes, which directly benefits the post. Again, the goal was to inform and educate the reader on each type of bike. The image of the mountain bike in action, the proper position, and even the specific elements that make up the bike were critical in uniting the story for this bike. All the images directly affected the reader’s experience because without enough images, the reader would not have a complete understanding of these bikes, but after the visuals, the post provides a unified story that shares the most important information about the bikes to the reader. Which again is the intended goal of the content.

Below is a breakdown of the specific goals of the messaging that needed to be communicated through the visuals. Notice that each image speaks to the messaging goals and enhances the quality of the post. 


  • Made for pavement and dirt trails, better on road than off.
  • Comfortable up-right ride.
  • Wide gear range, and wheel braking system. 

Fitness bikes 

  • Lighter and efficient 
  • Made for pavement, ideal for commuting.
  • Skinner tires for pavement and advanced gear system, and curved handlebars for a more aerodynamic ride. 

Mountain Bikes 

  • Great for Beginners, versatile on and off road 
  • Stable comfortable upright ride
  • Have large tires for traction, and a unique gear box system.