3.)For question #2, please outline in detail how your new post addressed the three main objectives as discussed in class. Please outline in detail for each. (9 Marks) 

The first objective that my revised content address is that the content is easy to find. Firstly my website is structured so that it’s convent for the user to navigate. My blog has a clear navigation structure that has organized the information on the platform into like categories. The post content also is structured in a reverse pyramid, that is having the most important information at the top, followed by less important information. The goal is to have the readers scroll to the bottom of the page to get the coupon offer, so the headlines are structured and bolded with scan-ability in mind. The content uses plain language as well so that the information about the business is easily understandable. This allows for the user to gain the knowledge of my business fast, and even if they are scanning, they can get the highlights. The information is also categorized in the presentation of the content. (Opening headline/subhead, poses problem followed by text that solves that problem. Explanation of the business and the core values. Conclusion and promotion.) This structure allows for the reader to get a scene of understanding when you present the information in chronological order. I also added tags at the bottom of the post which will allow the reader to refine their searches within my website to find content that is specially for them. The accessibility (written in plain English) and structure (f-patten) enable to the convivence and level of ease regarding the content. 

The second objective is the level clarity that the content possess. The entire introductory post was rewritten in Plain English which provides a general reading level for the audience, but also still adhering to the tone and voice the WCB. The content is simplified language and terminology which ensures that the post is clear to understand. I changed and avoided jargon and information that increasing the reading grade level drastilly. The goal for the content is to maintain a grade 7/8 reading level. So the content is explained in a straightforward matter using language that is in the everyday vocabulary of my target audience. 

Next to provide celerity and to solitary the content concepts. I used visual ads in order to contextualize and provide visual representation for the content. As per class discussion Images help make content clear, assist in helping the reader remember the content for the future.  Visual representations help to convey information more effectively, catering to diverse learning preferences and enhancing comprehension which is why I used at least 3 images that related to my content. The beginning of the post suggest that there was a reward for reading through the content, and at the end of the content I prompted the reader to receive said benefit when they sigh up on WCB email’s list. The sign up form also if the perfect way to segment the current readers, and than start to have a clear understanding for future segmented content for them. 

The last objective is that the content has to fulfill the consumer/reader’s purpose. All readers have a want/need, something you can develop content for them that solves that, and you can position the content so that it solved the purpose of the content for the business. The post goes beyond juts explaining information about Windsor cycle Brew but provides more about the core values so the readers feels like they have a relationship with the business. The content outlines who the business is, what the business does, and what the reader will receive if they want to engage with the business. The target audience also values personalization and dynamic content which also is reflected in the content. All most important information about the content is presented to the reader. This empowers the readers that align with the content to engage through the email form with their specific needs and objectives. This makes the reader feel valued and appreciated. The structure of the content also aids in the convivence of the readers flow, eliminates unnecessary information, and enhances the overall utility of the post. The goal is that the post serves as a solution to the reader so that they found what they needed, in a clear and concise way, that fulfilled their purpose in some way.