7.) You are to create a headline about the 2nd year digital classes in this program. The audience will be 1st year students. Please provide the headline and you’re reasoning behind it. In addition, please outline what information is missing in this question that you would need to create the headline. (4 Marks)

Headline: Top 3 most important ADV digital classes that will land you a future career in advertising. 
Reasons and justifications: This headline was created with key components in mind. The headline focusses on clear and concise language that communicates the value of the classes within the title. The headline implies: there are 3 ADV digital classes that are critical in getting a future career within the advertising industry. The promise of value is that when the first year reads the article, they will receive an advantage to their future career, that they would not receive if they don’t read it. The headline is also relevant, as the content pertains to the purpose of goal described the title targeting first year students and references the program title “ADV”.  The headline is also clear but also captures curiosity to hook the reader from the title. Based on the class content, there also is use of Power words in the headline (Top, most, important, future, that will) these where specifically chosen to attract reader’s attention and raise interest and attraction to the content. Since the most important digital classes in second year is: Developing Internet Marketing, Email marketing, and SEO. So there’s 3 classes that are important. Per class sideshows, including numbers in the headline is very effective in getting attention from readers, which was why there’s a number in the headline. 
Mission information: The missing information is that we don’t know the specific interests, needs, what they like, their pain points, so the headline is somewhat vague due to the lack of specific information about the target audience. Not specific enough. Compared to the high school group where we know when they are graduating, and that they have an interest in the advertising program. Whereas with this group of 1st year we only know that there in the program, we don’t know any characteristics of this audience, so it’s hard to develop a specifically targeted headline.