2.)As per the headline in Question #2, was the headline representative of the article? Please explain your reasoning in detail. (4 Marks)

The headline is very reprehensive of the content within the article. Additionally, the subhead does a excellent of eluding to the depth of the article. The subhead poses a question that makes the reader think, “What climber is the best?” Untimely, the content is presented, and as the reader, you are encouraged to see all 15 of the climbers from an objective perspective for you to decide who, in your opinion, is the best. 

            The purpose of the content is clear within the headline: to inform the reader on 15 of the best climbers in the world. The proposed value alludes to the reader meeting the 15 candidates for this title. The objective within the subhead is to present the information and have the reader decide who is the best. The content had 15 components, each featuring information on the climbers. Each part had information about the climber’s ability, passions, life story, and motivation/tips for the future rock climbers. 

The content itself fulfilled the goal and the promise of value in the headline. Overall, the information in the article was specific, clear, and detailed, giving the reader a comprehensive knowledge of the topic. The content informs but also teaches the reader why they should care about the 15 best climbers in the industry as well. As per the promise of climbers from around the world, there are 8 countries represented, with each person having their own unique characteristics and skill ability, presented in a way that makes the reader feel as if they had met them. Overall, the content is highly accurate and relevant to the headline presented and does a great job at positing the question that is almost like a challenge in the subhead to engage the readers to observe the content and knowledge, resulting in the viewer leaving informed and knowledgeable on the topic.