1.) Find one (1) headline that you came across recently and thought it was great. Explain why it resonated with you. Please ensure that you base your answers on topics discussed in class. (6 Marks)

Link Headline Screenshot 
https://www.redbull.com/ca-en/best-climbers-in-the-world Meet the 15 best climbers in the world right now A screenshot of a website

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This Headline resonated with me because, as a rock climber, I am deeply interested in the subculture of rock climbing. My experience as a rock climber has shaped my interests and what appeals to me, so when I noticed the Headline: “Meet the 15 best climbers in the world right now,” it caught my attention. I know the struggle of bouldering/free rock climbing at an indoor gym, let alone my long-term goal of being able to free climb a mountain. So, my interest has been caught in the Headline due to my interest in the topic. This Headline is almost like kindling for my passion for the sport. Most of the time, I see headlines that relate to rock climbing in video forms; however, this Headline evoked an interest in me to understand what is trending and who the cultural leaders/influencers in rock climbing are. This desire to explore my subculture more is subconsciously driven by the values and associations I have built within my interests. From my experience, Rock climbing has always been a friendly community with a unique lifestyle that works together to overcome challenges and strive to reach new achievements. 

Due to these beliefs and attitudes towards rock climbing, the Headline is relevant to me and provides a unique insight into this culture. It allows me to hear about what others are doing and fuels my motivation/passion to continue to pressure this. The Headline promises to provide me with knowledge regarding the 15 best climbers in the world right now. Based on the Headline, my interest is focused on first gaining knowledge of the culture and the influencers, then searching for tips that can help me in my hobby. If these 15 people are the best in the world, then surely, I have something to learn from them. Which is why the Headline has meaning and importance to me. Another reason this Headline resonated with me is because it promises a learning opportunity. I hope to gain knowledge about the best climbers in the world. Still, I also hope to learn more about my passion and tips that will help me pressure either conversation about the topic with peers or technique improvements, which could enhance my overall experience of the sport. 

Regarding class content, the Headline contains numbers that allow me to know exactly what I should receive from the content and approximately how long it should take me to read it. According to the Yard Stick Agency (2019), Web users often associate numbers with facts, which makes the content more trustworthy. When I read the headline, I immediately understood that based on that clear and specific copy, the content would be specific, accurate, and relevant to me as the viewer. The use of the special power words like “right now” also evokes a sense of urgency and reflect a call to action which can push the viewer into engaging with the content more. For anyone who enjoys action sports or rock-climbing content, this Headline is relevant and should engage the readers by informing them of the most influential people within this topic.

The Headline promises a specific amount of information to be presented, which is a key concept when creating engaging and relevant headlines. The Headline builds suspense as the readers are hooked by the idea of who might be on the best 15 lists and the type of climbing that they do. As the reader, the Headline resonated with me because it was relevant, clear, specific, and engaging solely based on the Headline. This resulted in the reader positively engaging with the content and also built trust in the promise of value implied by the exciting Headline. This captured my attention and made me want to pursue more knowledge by reading the content.