6.)Create a headline for an article about this program targeted to graduating high school students. I am specifically not telling you what to do or the questions that need to be asked. Please explain what you did, why and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks)

Prompt Role: professional copywriterMain Task: develop list of headlines for an article about the advertising and marketing communications program at St Clair collage. Steps to complete task: First start by including what the program is about which is “the most up-to-date curriculum of any of the Ontario advertising programs.” Students study what is evolving in today’s industry, learning what businesses are doing now. Students are prepared for digital marketing to consumers using interactive platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, mobile devices, as well as continued utilization of traditional platforms like television, radio and print.” Second, I want to you to develop an accurate headline that reflects why the program is cutting edge and attractive to prospecting students.   Third: End with producing a attractive headline, that catches the attention of prospective students. Goal: to develop a headline that drive up clicks and grows attention around the advertising and marketing program. Constraints: do not use childish language, or highly academic tone. Use a clear and concise tone, incorporate power words and include numbers. 
Headline“Step into the Future: Unveiling the #1 Cutting-Edge Advertising Program at St Clair Collage” 
ProcessAfter reading over class notes, and class PowerPoints, I decide to do some external research into what could help me leverage ChatGPT. After 2 trial and error prompts where I gave too much information and that yielded poor results, I changed the prompt to a more specific request which is referenced at the top of this question and got excellent results. 
Reasons and Justifications Reasons and justifications for the promptI adjusted the prompt 5 times before I got the headline for this assignment. My first prompt was general, an overview of information with a specific command. This yielded generic answers that where so general, that no sensible copywriter would use them. I adjusted the content yet again, but this time I tried to label each step of the information, to clear up any issues. Again, similar responses. After my own research on TikTok and on Google, I collected information on patterns of Prompt engineering that help tailer the response to the question at hand. According to Prompt warrior, there’s 5 main frameworks that help for developing my desired result. It’s called RISEN which stands for (Role, Information, Steps, End Goal, and Narrowing the outcome) After reading about how this detailed prompt frame could help, I took my content and reformatted the prompt, which is referenced at the top of this questing, and got 3 very well done prompts. From there I picked the best one. According to the Massachusetts department of Technology “Being specific and providing more details helps you understand your prompt better and generates more customized response with fewer errors (Neil, 2023).” Based off of this, this is why I chose to follow a detailed RISEN framework to get a clear, concise, and compelling headline. Reasons and Justifications for the chosen headlineAs per discussed in class, I wanted Chatpgt, to use the characteristics of a good headline in order to first leverage the AI but also use specifically what we learned in class in order to produce a good headline. This is why in the prompt under the narrowing category, I specified to use a clear and concise tone, in order to reflect the clarity, and understandability needed with a good headline (referenced by the class slideshows). Next an area of what noticed was that Chatgpt didn’t use power words a lot in the heading results, so I specify asked it to use power words (in this headline “#1, and cutting edge, and unveiling” where the power words used.) using power words is critical when developing headlines for articles (referenced from class slideshow). Another critical component of this headline being well done is in its capacity to convey the value of a program to high school students who are interested in marketing/advertising. This is powerful due to the engagement that could be had based of the headline. This Captures the attention of the audience. Ultimately, the Headline is clear and concise, regarding the purpose of the article, it uses power words that gab the attention of the reader, includes a number which often makes the headlines of the articles more attractive to the reader, evokes curiosity for the reader to want to know why the program is the best at St Clair, and avoids confusion, or misrepresentation of the information. This headline is powerful to attract attention and curiosity resulting in engagement but conveys the value of the program in the title. 
Additional Notes: I left the headline exactly accurate to how ChatGPT have it to me. It’s worth to note however that I would give this headline 1 twick, that would be first to adjust the title to say: “Step into the Future: Unveiling the #1 Cutting-Edge Advertising and Marketing Program in Ontario.” Personally, this headline seems more attractive when compared to all of Ontario, rather than just St. Clair. Also, I would add the work marketing to the program title as well, just to broaden up the title of the program to attract people who are interested in marketing not just advertising. When I chose this program, I was more intrigued by marketing than advertising, until I understood what it was. So based on my personal experiences I would suggest these changes.  Also, I could incorporate more Power words into the title so that it would say “step into your dynamic future” that way there’s one power word in the first part, and the reader is prompted to visualize themselves in this context. It would sound as though the headline promises to put the reader into the future of a cutting-edge program at St Clair.
Resources used: https://www.thepromptwarrior.com/p/5-prompt-frameworks-level-prompts