5.) Now you are going to apply what you have learned in class. As per the class discussion, please provide me with three different headlines for the story (article in Question #4) and outline your reasoning(s) and explanation for each. Please ensure you base your answer on the different elements of headlines we spoke about in class. Please go into detail for each. (12 Marks)

Variation of Headline: Reasoning and explanation: 
5 troubling complaints filed against the Gardie Howe bridge, and what that could mean for you. 
This headline takes the most important components that make an effective headline. The reasoning for the changes where to develop a headline that is more engaging, attractive, and leveraging the components that we learned from class. The first change was adding/adjusting the power words used in this. “Troubling, Complaints, and Against” where the power words used to leverage the attention, and attractiveness of the headline. By using Power words within headlines studies show that theirs’s a 12.7% increase in click rates (Opt-in Monster 2024). After some research, there is a concept related to power words, which is power phrases: this is the “What that could mean for you” part of the headlines. This also will help with the engagement of the audience. Specific phrases offer a attractive, relevancy to an audience that are a powerful source for engagement (Coschedule 2024). This phrase also puts the reader in the driver’s seat when reading this headline.  According to the National library of medicine (2018) which a study of news headline popularity, found that second-person pronouns are associated with more popular headlines and tend to me more popular than ones that don’t use that. Due to information the second person perspective was used to provide more relevant information. The change of the headline also Is to utilise a clear and concise positioning of value within the headline. The audience can read the headline and clearly understand the topic, and then is hooked but the implication that the complaints filed could affect the reader. This gives enough information about the story of the article but also not reveal too much that the article not worth reading. Lastly the use of number is critical as it lists the number of issues that are to be listed, so it provides the quantity of specific information that will be explained. The number 5 also can reflect the reader’s assumed time commitment to the article. Altogether  
Gardie Howe Bridge faces 5th backlash complaint as they neglect francophone employees.  This headline takes the on the tone of a more negative approach while still using the most important headline components. The reasoning for the changes was to develop a headline that is more attractive, but also more accurate to the content of the article. This headline took a more clear and concise tone that reflected the nature of the content. The headline tells the reader: who’s involves: (Gardie Howe Bridge vs French employees), where: (The bridge is in Windsor), and what the subject is about: (5th complaint against the Bridge). This leaves the reader hooked and wanting to click on the article to discover the “how and why” associated with the topic. Why are there complaints, and how is the company dealing with this, etc. The headline provides enough information that the reader understands the clear and concise story, while still leaving enough room for the curiosity of the reader to pursue more information about the article. This headline is specific as well which is important (as stated in class PowerPoint). specific headlines that are clear, show the reader that the content is written for their value in mind. It reflects that that the writer cares about the reader’s time, and effort, but having this clearly stated. Since this article s targeted towards people in Windsor, which makes this headline very relevant to the area. The promise of value in this headline speaks to the protentional information surrounding this local happing news story/problem.  The power words that were used where “faces” which implies a challenge, or complication of a situation, “backlash” which reflects a negative reaction, and “neglect” which invokes failure. These power words were leveraged to communicate the urgency, and troubling nature of these complaints. The use of power words also if a tool that helps make headlines stand out (according to class PowerPoints). In this case, the power words used make the article stand out, and sound urgent when compared to many of the other headlines on CBC.Staying in the use of numbers, “5th”  to make an appealing headline, that also reflects the amount of content within, but also this implies the time commitment that the reader will undergo. When numbers are used in headlines, readers are more prone to use click on the article (referenced from class PowerPoints).  
5 reasons why the Gardie Howe bridge is neglecting their duty to provide bilingual communication.  This headline takes the reasons why you should care approach. The tone is clear concise, and specific. The reasoning for the changes of this headline was to develop a headline that is clear, specific, and relevant headline. This headline makes the reader feel as though the Bridge is failing to fulfill their duties. The headline is positioned to make the reader care about the topic and encourage the reader to click in order to solve the question posed by the copy. It makes the reader why and how this happening.The promise of value is that the consumer will spend 5 minutes and receive 5 pieces of information about the language issues happing at the Gardie Howe Bridge. Headlines that are clear about the value they are offering to the readers preform better due to the curiosity of the proposition or hook) in the headline.  The power words that were used where “reasons which refers to a list, “neglecting” which highlights the failures of the company, “duty” refiring to obligation the Bridge must include bilingual messaging. And the last power word was “bilingual.” The power words reflect the nature of the content/topic. Power words are critical when developing attractive and engaging headlines (as per class PowerPoints). This headline also uses the number 5, to list the main reason as to why this program is being caused. This helps the reader expect how much time they must invest to gain the knowledge. Additionally, this also helps build expectation for what they are going to receive (5 reasons or 5 pieces of information). This headline is accurate to the story/topic however it provides a more engaging approach to the topic, which garners more engaging and appealing headline that is in a clear and specific tone.